Cute melancholy movie told by Grace to a snail. Awesome music, I really enjoyed this CGI/Stopmotion movie.
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Adam Elliot
This movie belongs to: "Movie theatre movies"
This is the page where I collect all my movies and TV series/programs I seen! So I don't re-watch them.
Duration: 24 minutes. Disney+ version.
English title: Ishura: Alus the Star Runner.
Episode 2. Season 1.
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: 浅利 藤彰 (Fujiaki Asari)
This episode belongs to: "Disney+"
Duration: 24 minutes. Disney+ version.
English title: Ishura: Soujirou the Willow-Sword
Episode 1. Season 1.
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: 朝岡卓矢 (Takuya Asaoka)
This episode belongs to: "Disney+"
Duration: 24 minutes. Crunchyroll edition.
Episode 6. Season 1
Rating 4 of 5.
English title: "Tsun Is Dere"
Directed by: 正美波多 (Masami Hata)
This movie belongs to: "Crunchyroll"