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måndag 28 juni 2021

ナルト: 兄と弟 遠すぎる存在 (Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 29.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 届かない叫び (A Cry on Deaf Ears)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 28.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 執念の一撃!早蕨の舞 (Vengeful Strike! The Bracken Dance)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 27.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 最強対決!我愛羅VS君麻呂!! (Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro!)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 26.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

söndag 27 juni 2021

Color Out of Space (2019)

Duration: 110 minutes. (European Bluray edition) 

A horror movie based on H.P. Lovecrafts short story with the same name. Interesting movie, I did really enjoy this movie.

Rating: 4 of 5. 

Directed by: Richard Stanley

This movie belongs to: "My own Bluray"

ナルト: 木ノ葉同盟国砂の忍 (The Sand Shinobi: Allies of the Leaf)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 25.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 野獣炸裂!弾けろ吹っ飛べ突き抜けろ! (The Beast Within)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 24.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 木ノ葉の碧き野獣見参! (The Leaf's Handsome Devil!)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 23.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

lördag 26 juni 2021

ナルト: フェイク!男シカマル起死回生の賭け (Fakeout: Shikamaru's Comeback!)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 22.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: それぞれの闘い (To Each His Own Battle)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 21.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 唸れ!吠えろ!究極のタッグ (Roar and Howl! The Ultimate Tag Team)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 20.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

tisdag 22 juni 2021

ナルト: 失策!新たなる敵 (Miscalculation: A New Enemy Appears!)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 19.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 奪還〜間に合わなかった器 (The Vessel Arrives Too Late)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 18.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 負けられない理由 (Losing is Not an Option!)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 17.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

måndag 21 juni 2021

ナルト: 視界360度 白眼の死角 (360 Degrees of Vision: The Byakugan's Blind Spot)(2005)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 16.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: お前の相手はこのオレだ! (Your Opponent Is Me!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 15.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: さらば友よ...!それでもオレは信じてる (Good-bye Old Friend...! I'll Always Believe in You!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 14.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

söndag 20 juni 2021

Donald Duck: Early to Bed (1941)

Duration: 8 minutes. Disney+ version. 

Fun little shortmovie. Donald duck will always be funny to me!

Rating 4 of 5. 

Directed by: Jack King

This movie belongs to: "Disney+"

ナルト: パワー全開!燃えろチョウジ (Full Throttle Power! Choji, Ablaze!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 13.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: イキナリ仲間割れ!?シカマル小隊大ピンチ (Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 12.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 接触〜音四人衆の実力〜 (Sound vs. Leaf)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 11.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 結成!鉄壁のフォーメーション (Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 10.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 音の誘い (An Invitation from the Sound)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 9.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

Lost in Space: Pressurized (2018)

Duration: 53 minutes. Nordic Netflix edition. 

Episode 7. Season 1. 

Rating 5 of 5. 

Directed by: Tim Southam


This movie belongs to: "Netflix"

lördag 19 juni 2021

ナルト: 見えない亀裂 (Bitter Rivals and Broken Bonds)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 8.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: オマエと戦いたい!ついに激突 サスケVSナルト (The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 7.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 届くかイダテ!執念のラストスパート!! (The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 6.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: ゴール直前!雷鳴とどろく大激闘 (A Fierce Battle of Rolling Thunder!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 5.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

torsdag 17 juni 2021

ナルト: 走れイダテ!嵐を呼ぶ波乱のナギ島!! (Run Idate Run! Nagi Island Awaits!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 4.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: ナルト撃沈!?陰謀うずまく大海原 (The Race is on! Trouble on the High Seas!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 3.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

onsdag 16 juni 2021

ナルト: いざ新任務 義理と人情と茶国を救え! (Mission: Help an Old Friend in the Land of Tea)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 2.  Season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 見たい, 知りたい, 確かめたい カカシ先生の素顔 (Gotta See! Gotta Know! Kakashi-Sensei's True Face!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 1.  Season 3.

This is the first episode of season 3.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

tisdag 15 juni 2021

ナルト: 熱血師弟の絆〜男が忍道を貫くとき〜 (Sensei and Student: The Bond of the Shinobi)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 43.  Season 2.

This is the last episode of season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 火の意志を継ぐもの (The Will of Fire Still Burns!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 42.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 忍者を辞めろ!ツナデの通告 (Tsunade's Warning: Ninja No More!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 41.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

måndag 14 juni 2021

劇場版 NARUTO 大活劇! 雪姫忍法帖だってばよ!! (Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow) (2004)

Duration: 81 minutes. (Online) 

A movie that felt wrong from the naruto TV series. Still interesting to watch but it felt like this movie was  made with force!

Rating 3 of 5. 

Directed by: 岡村豊 (Okamura Yutaka

This movie belongs to: "My online movies"

ナルト: ナルトの湯けむり珍道中 (Kidnapped! Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 40.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

söndag 13 juni 2021

ナルト: 三すくみの戦い (Deadlock! Sannin Showdown!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 39.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 五代目火影 命を賭けた戦い (The Fifth Hokage! A Life on the Line!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 38.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: くらえ!怒りの螺旋丸 (Attack! Fury of the Rasengan!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 37.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 交渉決裂!! (Breakdown! The Deal is Off!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 36.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: YESかNOか!ツナデの回答 (A Dubious Offer! Tsunade's Choice!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 35.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 初代火影の遺産 死を呼ぶ首飾り (Inheritance! The Necklace of Death!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 34.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 怒りバクハツ!許さねーってばよ (Unforgivable! A Total Lack of Respect!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 33.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

lördag 12 juni 2021

ナルト: 波紋 (An Impossible Choice: The Pain Within Tsunade's Heart)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 32.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 木ノ葉マークと額当て (Focal Point: The Mark of the Leaf)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 31.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 根性!!!割れろ水風船 (Keep on Training: Pop Goes the Water Balloon!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 30.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 修行開始 オレはぜってー強くなる! (A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 29.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 愚かなる弟よ 恨め, 憎め! (Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 28.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 唸れ千鳥 吠えろサスケ! (Roar, Chidori! Brother vs. Brother!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 27.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

fredag 11 juni 2021

Pet Sematary (2019)

Duration: 101 minutes. (European Bluray edition) 

Great movie, now I have to read the book once again to see if the book is better than this movie, but still this movie was great!

Rating: 4 of 5. 

Directed by: Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer

This movie belongs to: "My own Bluray"

Haywire (2011)

Duration 84 minutes (Swedish TV6 HD) 

End credits were cut out. 

A somewhat good action thriller. A typical movie, with music that you won't remember in the future. Just a mainstream movie.

This movie is also known as "Knockout".

Rating: 3 of 5. 

This movie belongs to: "TV movies"

torsdag 10 juni 2021

The Forest (2016)

Duration 84 minutes (Swedish TV6 HD)

End credits were cut out. 

Not so good English/Japanese movie of a forest where people go to make suicide. But still entertaining enough.

Rating: 3 of 5. 

Directed: Jason Zada

This movie belongs to: "TV movies"

tisdag 8 juni 2021

ナルト: おお, のォ〜っ!自来也の女難, ナルトの災難 (Jiraiya: Naruto's Potential Disaster!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 26.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 写輪眼VS写輪眼!! (Eye to Eye: Sharingan vs. Sharingan!)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 25.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

lördag 5 juni 2021

ナルト: 朝霧の帰郷 (Return of the Morning Mist)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 24.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 三代目よ, 永久に......!! (The Third Hokage, Forever...)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 23.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

Simpsons: There's No Disgrace Like Home (1990)

Duration: 24 minutes. Disney+ Version.

Episode 4. Season 1.

Rating 4 of 5.

Directed by: Kent Butterworth and Gregg Vanzo


This movie belongs to: "TV-Series"

ナルト: リミットぶっちぎり! 〜光と闇〜 (Beyond the Limit of Darkness and Light)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 22.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

fredag 4 juni 2021

ナルト: 爆発!これぞナルト忍法帖〜〜っ!! (Naruto's Ninja Handbook)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 21.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"

ナルト: 光と闇 我愛羅という名 (Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara)(2004)

Duration: 24 minutes. TV version from TV Tokyo.

Episode 20.  Season 2.

Rating 5 of 5.

Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)

This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"