This is the page where I collect all my movies and TV series/programs I seen! So I don't re-watch them.
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tisdag 29 december 2015
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (2013)
Really funny here and there but meanwhile between every "scetch" it was so slow and boring... But I got through the movie.
No titlescreen as I watched this live on TV.
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Jeff Tremaine
This movie belongs to: "TV movies"
lördag 19 december 2015
Parallels (2015)
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Parallels (2015) |
The movie felt that oh no, the ideas for continuing to make this movie ran out... but just when I thought this might get boring it catched up again! The Idea for parallel universes as a movie plot is EXTREAMLY interesting :D
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by:Christopher Leone
This movie belongs to: "Netflix movies"
Lockout (2012)
I might be blind but didn't find any title screen...
Pretty much awesome movie, A typical action sci-fi movie. I liked this one even if it wasn't special from other action movies. :D
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by:James Mather, and Stephen St. Leger
This movie belongs to: "Netflix movies"
tisdag 8 december 2015
Ted (2012)
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Ted (2012) |
It was fun here and there but somehow it felt boring. A new idea but the movie didn't touch me or then I had way too much expectations... It is still a movie worth watching!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Seth MacFarlane
Note, the uncut version got Japanese aswell!
This movie belongs to: "My own Movies"
tisdag 1 december 2015
Circle (2015)
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Circle |
Almost a "waste of time" movie... Just one scen through the movie (almost)... People arguing who is going to die next and why... Boring...
Rating 2 of 5.
Directed by: Aaron Hann, Mario Miscione
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
onsdag 11 november 2015
Black Circle Boys (1997)
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Black Circle Boys (1997) |
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by:Matthew Carnahan
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
tisdag 10 november 2015
Eden Lake (2008)
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Eden Lake |
Rating 2 of 5.
Directed by:James Watkins
Bassett IMDB:
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
torsdag 5 november 2015
Insurgent (2015)
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Insurgent (2015) |
A really interesting movie to watch, got this from library for free. Now I have to read the book. I just love urban fantasy movies! Just perfect lenght for the running time, didn't felt too long.
This was my first movie that was made in 2015!
Rating 4 of 5.
Movie also known as:
The Divergent Series: Insurgent
Directed by:Robert Schwentke
This movie belongs to: "library movies"
lördag 10 oktober 2015
Deathwatch (2002)
A movie that started like a warmovie but ended to be a bit lame creepy horror movie. The good thing in this movie was that you never saw your enemy and the music!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Michael J. Bassett
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
fredag 4 september 2015
雷霆喪星 (2008) (Original Title: Tropic Thunder)
First of all, I saw this movie on China VCD (2.0) Not DVD.
A OK movie, felt a bit lame and also felt too long... I guess this kind of comedy movies are nothing to me.
Rating 3 of 5.
This movie belongs to: "My VCD's"
2 Disc.
Directed by: Ben Stiller
Fun about this version: Chinese title: 雷霆喪星.
lördag 1 augusti 2015
ナルト: 木ノ葉丸だ コレ! (My Name is Konohamaru!) (2002)
Episode 2. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ナルト: 参上!うずまきナルト(Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!) (2002)
Episode 1. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 伊達勇登 (Date Hayato)
Promising Anime!!
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: お城で餅まき大レース! 赤い鼻の陰謀 (A Big Rice Cake Tossing Race at the Castle! Red Nose's Plot!)
Episode 292. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ルフィ親分再び! 夢か現か富くじ騒動 (Boss Luffy Returns! Is It a Dream or Reality? Lottery Ruckus!)
Episode 291. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
torsdag 30 juli 2015
Needful Things (1993)
A movie that I first thought is going to be quite slow, but it picked up after about 20% of the movie. Even if it was almost 2 hours it was still a short movie, it felt so. I did like it a lot. Now I just have to read the book!
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Fraser Clarke Heston
This movie belongs to: "My own Movies"
onsdag 15 juli 2015
ワンピース: 制御不能! チョッパー禁断のランブル (Uncontrollable! Chopper's Forbidden Rumble!)
Episode 290. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ゾロ新技炸裂! 刀の名はそげキング? (Zoro Busts Out a New Technique! The Sword's Name is Sniperking?)
Episode 289. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: フクロウの誤算! 俺のコーラは命の水 (Fukurou's Miscalculation! My Cola is the Water of Life!)
Episode 288. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 死んでも蹴らん! サンジ男の騎士道! (I Won't Kick Even If It Costs Me My Life! Sanji's Chivalry!)
Episode 287. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 悪魔の実の力! カクとジャブラ大変身 (Devil Fruit Powers! Kaku and Jabra Transform!)
Episode 286. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 5つの鍵を奪え! 麦わら一味対CP9 (Obtain the 5 Keys! The Straw Hat Pirates vs. CP9!)
Episode 285. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 設計図は渡さない! フランキーの決断 (I'm Not Gonna Hand Over the Blueprints! Franky's Decision!)
Episode 284. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 全ては仲間の為に! 闇の中のロビン! (Everything is for Her Friends! Robin in the Darkness!)
Episode 283. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
lördag 27 juni 2015
Jumper (2008)
A thing that I have been dreaming on, to be able to move from places to another place just by "jumping"... to bad it is only a far away dream that will never come true :(
Anyway, fantastic movie, just fantastic!
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: Doug Liman
This movie belongs to: "NETFLIX Movies"
söndag 14 juni 2015
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
Note: The end credits were cut off...
Somewhat ok movie, but I saw a lot of CGI errors in this movie, the plot was lame and something felt just too childish... But it was still OK movie.
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: 朱浩偉 (Jon M. Chu)
Note: You could also hear Korean and Russian in this movie, but it was just backgroundspeech!
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
lördag 30 maj 2015
ワンピース: 別れが男を磨く! サンジとチョッパー (Parting Builds a Man's Character! Sanji and Chopper!)
Episode 282. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
This episode also contains: ((麦わら劇場その4「仁義ないTime」) (Straw Hat Theatre #4: No Respect Time)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース:涙が紡いだ仲間の絆! ナミの世界地図 (A Bond of Friendship Woven by Tears! Nami's World Map!)
Episode 281. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
This episode also includes: (麦わら劇場その3「Obahan Time」)(Straw Hat Theatre #3: Obahan Time)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 男の生き様! ゾロの業·ウソップの夢 (The Ways of Men! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream!)
Episode 280. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
This episode also includes: (麦わら劇場その2「Report Time」) (Straw Hat Theatre #2: Report Time)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
fredag 29 maj 2015
ワンピース: 滝に向かって飛べ! ルフィの想い!! (Jump Towards the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!)
Episode 279. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
This episode includes: (麦わら劇場その1「Chopper Man」) (Straw Hat Theatre #1: Chopper Man)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 生きたいと言え! オレ達は仲間だ!! (Say You Want to Live! We Are Your Friends!!)
Episode 278. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: オハラの悲劇! バスターコールの恐怖 (The Tragedy of Ohara! The Terror of the Buster Call!)
Episode 277. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 宿命の母娘! その母の名はオルビア! (Fated Mother and Daughter! The Mother's Name is Olvia!)
Episode 276. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
tisdag 12 maj 2015
Lovely Molly (2011)
Note: The end credits were cut off...
Strange movie, really weird, but that's why I did like it! So weird. The only anoyance in this movie was the high pich sound... The music was awesome, so great ambiance and weird genre :D
Anyway, worth of watching!
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Eduardo Sánchez
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
fredag 1 maj 2015
Family Guy: Mind Over Murder (1999)
Duration: 23 minutes. My own British DVD.
Episode 4. Season 1.
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Roy Allen Smith, Peter Shin
Just realized that I didn't watch these in order... I watched these as they apeared on DVD...
Rewatched this today February 6th, 2023.
This movie belongs to: "My own TV series"
Family Guy: I Never Met the Dead Man (1999)
Duration: 23 minutes. My own British DVD.
Episode 2. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: Michael Dante DiMartino, Peter Shin, Roy Allen Smith.
So funny!
Rewatched this January 20, 2023.
This movie belongs to: "My own TV series"
Family Guy: Death Has a Shadow
Duration: 23 minutes. My own British DVD.
Episode 1. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: Peter Shin, Roy Allen Smith
So funny!
REWEATCHED: January, 20, 2023
This movie belongs to: "My own TV series"
Bad Neighbours (2014)
This was quite funny, not extreamly fun, it felt slow here and there, but it is a perfect example on neighbour wars!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Nicholas Stoller
This movie belongs to: "Library Movies"
lördag 25 april 2015
Bad Teacher (2011)
Somewhat ok movie, a bit boring but still it was enjoyable. But I got disapointed at the end... really bad ending!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Jake Kasdan
This movie belongs to: "Library Movies"
torsdag 23 april 2015
The rite (2011)
A slow movie, boring and missleading with religion... ofcourse! So slow to watch! Avoid if you can!
Waste of my money to get this on DVD
Rating 2 of 5.
Directed by: Mikael Håfström
This movie belongs to: "My own DVD Movies"
tisdag 14 april 2015
Would You Rather (2012)
Interesting plot, but weak movie... When all the "cards" are on the "table" about 1/3 of the movie it was kind of easy to predict what would happen next. If you can avoid this... if not suit your self!
Rating 2 of 5.
Directed by: David Guy Levy
This movie belongs to: "Netflix Movies"
lördag 11 april 2015
Moon (2009)
If you are looking for a space sci-fi action movie... then keep looking, this is not for you! :D
I did like this one, it was a bit too slow but still it kept me watching it. Sci-fi drama!
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Duncan Jones
This movie belongs to: "Netflix Movies"
tisdag 3 mars 2015
Long Weekend (2008)
A movie about a couple who needs relaxation goes to a remote beach middle of nowhere... Everything isn't right with that place! A somewhat slow start but it got better near the end. Still I did like this movie!
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Jamie Blanks
This movie belongs to: "TV Movies"
lördag 14 februari 2015
Cow and chicken: Blues/Girls' Bathroom (1997)
Episode 1b. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by:
Robert Alvarez | ||
David Feiss | ||
Robin Steele |
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "USA TV Rip"
Cow and chicken: Field Trip to Folsom Prison (1997)
Episode 1a. Season 1.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by:
Robert Alvarez | ||
David Feiss | ||
Robin Steele |
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "USA TV Rip"
torsdag 22 januari 2015
Celda 211 (2009) (English title: Cell 211)
A Spanish Prisonmovie. It felt from time to time too slow, but it was still interesting. About a guy who will start working in the prison goes on tour there and a riot starts and he is believed to be a prisioner by other inmates.
Still the movie was a bit too slow!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Daniel Monzón.
Note! English were only spoken in TV, but it was enough to get own tag!
This movie belongs to: "Library movies"
Steven Universe: Gem Glow (2013)
Episode 1. Season 1,
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Ian Jones-Quartey
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "American version TV Rip"
ワンピース: ロビンの過去! 悪魔と呼ばれた少女! (Robin's Past! The Girl was called a Devil!)
Episode 275. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 答えろロビン! 麦わら一味の叫び!! (Give us your answer, Robin! The Straw Hats' Outcry!)
Episode 274. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 全ては仲間を守る為に! ギア2発動! (Everything is to Protect My Friends! Second Gear Activated!)
Episode 273. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ルフィ目前! 裁判所前広場へ集結せよ (Almost to Luffy! Gather at the Courthouse Plaza!)
Episode 272. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 立ち止まるな! 反撃の狼煙を上げろ! (Don’t Stop! Hoist the Counterattack Signal!)
Episode 271. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ロビンを返せ! ルフィvsブルーノ! (Give Robin Back! Luffy vs. Blueno!)
Episode 270. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 裏切られたロビン! 世界政府の思惑! (Robin Betrayed! The Motive of the World Government!)
Episode 269. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ルフィに追いつけ! 麦わら一味総力戦 (Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hats’ All-Out Battle)
Episode 268. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 活路を開け! 空を飛ぶロケットマン! (Find a Way Out! Rocketman Takes Flight!)
Episode 267. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 巨人族との攻防! 第2の門を開けろ! (Battle Against Giants! Open the Second Gate!)
Episode 266. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: ルフィ快進撃! 司法の島で大決戦! (Luffy Cuts Through! Big Showdown on the Judicial Island!)
Episode 265. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
ワンピース: 上陸作戦始動! 麦わら一味突入せよ! (Landing Operations Start! Charge in, Straw Hats!)
Episode 264. Season 9.
Rating 5 of 5.
Directed by: 宇田 鋼之介 (Uda Kōnosuke)
Note, I won't comment on single TV episodes anymore, the comments are too similar to everything I write :D
This movie belongs to: "Japan TV Rip"
lördag 10 januari 2015
Annihilation Earth (2009)
Note, end credits were cut off.
Really interesting! Doomsday movie, about a machine that creates energy that is really good for the envoirement, but there is a code that could destroy the whole earth!
Rating 4 of 5.
Directed by: Nick Lyon
This movie belongs to: "TV movies"
måndag 5 januari 2015
Alien Raiders (2008)
Note, end credits were cut off.
Pretty lame movie, interesting but obviously a low budget movie!
Rating 3 of 5.
Directed by: Ben Rock
This movie belongs to: "TV movies"